
Get involved

Go to our contact page if you wish to chat to us about getting involved or just to find out more.

Keep in touch – Facebook
Join us on Facebook to keep up to date with all our goings on – click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Full membership
The level of of your involvement will be completely up to you. You might want to work on the land or share the milking and cleaning out of the goats. You may want to help care for the chickens or bees. Training and instruction will be given in all aspects.

To help us cover costs and become sustainable we need to charge a basic annual membership fee of £9. In addition there is a contribution in proportion to the level of your involvement. This can be paid annually or monthly.

You can join here

Friends of Blakeney Hill Growers
For the basic annual fee you could become a Friend of the project and stay in touch through our website and newsletters. You would be welcome to join us at any time either as a volunteer or at one of our social gatherings.

Beyond supporting the project’s aims there is no requirement or commitment. Of course, many Friends will wish to do more and there are many ways to help:

– Promoting the project in your area; fund-raising, contributing to, or circulating, project leaflets and newsletters.

– Planting or managing your own land in accordance with the aims of the project.

– Volunteering on the project or helping with selling our craft products and plants.
